{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}
module Cats.Category.Constructions.Product where
open import Data.Bool using (Bool ; true ; false ; not)
open import Level
open import Cats.Category.Base
open import Cats.Category.Constructions.Terminal as Terminal using (HasTerminal)
open import Cats.Functor using (Functor)
open import Cats.Util.Conv
open import Cats.Util.Logic.Constructive
import Cats.Category.Constructions.Iso as Iso
import Cats.Category.Constructions.Unique as Unique
Bool-elim : ∀ {a} {A : Bool → Set a} → A true → A false → (i : Bool) → A i
Bool-elim x y true = x
Bool-elim x y false = y
module Build {lo la l≈} (Cat : Category lo la l≈) where
private open module Cat = Category Cat
open Cat.≈-Reasoning
open Iso.Build Cat
open Unique.Build Cat
open Terminal.Build Cat
open _≅_
IsProduct : ∀ {li} {I : Set li} (O : I → Obj) P → (∀ i → P ⇒ O i)
→ Set (lo ⊔ la ⊔ l≈ ⊔ li)
IsProduct O P proj
= ∀ {X} (x : ∀ i → X ⇒ O i) → ∃![ u ] (∀ i → x i ≈ proj i ∘ u)
IsBinaryProduct : ∀ {A B} P → (P ⇒ A) → (P ⇒ B) → Set (lo ⊔ la ⊔ l≈)
IsBinaryProduct {A} {B} P projl projr
= ∀ {X} (xl : X ⇒ A) (xr : X ⇒ B)
→ ∃![ u ] (xl ≈ projl ∘ u ∧ xr ≈ projr ∘ u)
IsBinaryProduct→IsProduct : ∀ {A B P} {pl : P ⇒ A} {pr : P ⇒ B}
→ IsBinaryProduct P pl pr
→ IsProduct (Bool-elim A B) P (Bool-elim pl pr)
IsBinaryProduct→IsProduct isBinProd x = record
{ arr = f ⃗
; prop = Bool-elim (∧-eliml (∃!′.prop f)) (∧-elimr (∃!′.prop f))
; unique = λ eq → ∃!′.unique f (eq true , eq false)
f = isBinProd (x true) (x false)
record Product {li} {I : Set li} (O : I → Obj) : Set (lo ⊔ la ⊔ l≈ ⊔ li) where
prod : Obj
proj : ∀ i → prod ⇒ O i
isProduct : IsProduct O prod proj
open Product using (proj ; isProduct)
HasObj-Product : ∀ {li} {I : Set li} {O : I → Obj}
→ HasObj (Product O) lo la l≈
HasObj-Product = record { Cat = Cat ; _ᴼ = Product.prod }
BinaryProduct : Obj → Obj → Set (lo ⊔ la ⊔ l≈)
BinaryProduct A B = Product (Bool-elim A B)
mkBinaryProduct : ∀ {A B P} (pl : P ⇒ A) (pr : P ⇒ B)
→ IsBinaryProduct P pl pr
→ BinaryProduct A B
mkBinaryProduct {P = P} pl pr isBinProd = record
{ isProduct = IsBinaryProduct→IsProduct isBinProd }
nullaryProduct-Terminal : (P : Product {I = ⊥} (λ())) → IsTerminal (P ᴼ)
nullaryProduct-Terminal P X with isProduct P {X = X} λ()
... | ∃!-intro arr _ unique = ∃!-intro arr _ (λ _ → unique λ())
module _ {li} {I : Set li} {O : I → Obj} (P : Product O) where
factorizer : ∀ {X} → (∀ i → X ⇒ O i) → X ⇒ P ᴼ
factorizer proj = isProduct P proj ⃗
factorizer-unique : ∀ {X} (fact : X ⇒ P ᴼ)
→ {x : ∀ i → X ⇒ O i}
→ (∀ i → x i ≈ proj P i ∘ fact)
→ factorizer x ≈ fact
factorizer-unique fact {x} eq = ∃!′.unique (isProduct P x) eq
factorizer-proj : ∀ {X} {x : ∀ i → X ⇒ O i} {i}
→ proj P i ∘ factorizer x ≈ x i
factorizer-proj {x = x} {i} = ≈.sym (∃!′.prop (isProduct P x) i)
factorizer-resp : ∀ {X} {x y : ∀ i → X ⇒ O i}
→ (∀ i → x i ≈ y i)
→ factorizer x ≈ factorizer y
factorizer-resp {x = x} {y} eq = factorizer-unique (factorizer y)
λ i → ≈.trans (eq _) (≈.sym factorizer-proj)
factorizer-∘ : ∀ {X} {x : ∀ i → X ⇒ O i} {Z} {f : Z ⇒ X}
→ factorizer x ∘ f ≈ factorizer (λ i → x i ∘ f)
factorizer-∘ {x = x} {f = f} = ≈.sym
(factorizer-unique (factorizer x ∘ f)
λ _ → ≈.sym (≈.trans unassoc (∘-resp-l factorizer-proj)))
factorizer-id : factorizer (proj P) ≈ id
factorizer-id = factorizer-unique id λ i → ≈.sym id-r
module _ {li} {I : Set li}
{O : I → Obj} (P : Product O)
{O′ : I → Obj} (P′ : Product O′)
times : (∀ i → O i ⇒ O′ i) → P ᴼ ⇒ P′ ᴼ
times x = factorizer P′ (λ i → x i ∘ proj P i)
times-proj : ∀ {x : ∀ i → O i ⇒ O′ i} {i}
→ proj P′ i ∘ times x ≈ x i ∘ proj P i
times-proj = factorizer-proj P′
times-resp : {x y : ∀ i → O i ⇒ O′ i}
→ (∀ i → x i ≈ y i)
→ times x ≈ times y
times-resp {x} {y} eq = factorizer-resp P′ (λ i → ∘-resp-l (eq i))
times-id : ∀ {li} {I : Set li} {O : I → Obj} (P : Product O)
→ times P P (λ _ → id) ≈ id
times-id P = factorizer-unique P id λ _ → ≈.trans id-l (≈.sym id-r)
times-∘ : ∀ {li} {I : Set li}
→ {O O′ O″ : I → Obj}
→ (P : Product O) (P′ : Product O′) (P″ : Product O″)
→ {x : ∀ i → O i ⇒ O′ i} {y : ∀ i → O′ i ⇒ O″ i}
→ times P′ P″ y ∘ times P P′ x ≈ times P P″ (λ i → y i ∘ x i)
times-∘ P P′ P″ {x} {y} =
times P′ P″ y ∘ times P P′ x
≈⟨ factorizer-∘ P″ ⟩
factorizer P″ (λ i → (y i ∘ proj P′ i) ∘ times P P′ x)
≈⟨ factorizer-resp P″ (λ i → assoc) ⟩
factorizer P″ (λ i → y i ∘ proj P′ i ∘ times P P′ x)
≈⟨ factorizer-resp P″ (λ i → ∘-resp-r (times-proj P P′)) ⟩
factorizer P″ (λ i → y i ∘ x i ∘ proj P i)
≈⟨ factorizer-resp P″ (λ i → unassoc) ⟩
times P P″ (λ i → y i ∘ x i)
times-factorizer : ∀ {li} {I : Set li}
→ {O O′ : I → Obj}
→ (P : Product O) (P′ : Product O′)
→ ∀ {X} {x : ∀ i → X ⇒ O i} {y : ∀ i → O i ⇒ O′ i}
→ times P P′ y ∘ factorizer P x ≈ factorizer P′ (λ i → y i ∘ x i)
times-factorizer P P′
= ≈.trans (factorizer-∘ P′)
(factorizer-resp P′ λ i → ≈.trans assoc (∘-resp-r (factorizer-proj P)))
proj-cancel : ∀ {li} {I : Set li} {O : I → Obj} {P proj}
→ IsProduct O P proj
→ ∀ {X} {f g : X ⇒ P}
→ (∀ i → proj i ∘ f ≈ proj i ∘ g)
→ f ≈ g
proj-cancel {proj = proj} prod {f = f} {g} eq with prod (λ i → proj i ∘ g)
... | ∃!-intro u _ u-uniq
= begin
≈⟨ ≈.sym (u-uniq (λ i → ≈.sym (eq i))) ⟩
≈⟨ u-uniq (λ i → ≈.refl) ⟩
Product-resp-≅ : ∀ {li} {I : Set li} {O O′ : I → Obj}
→ (∀ i → O i ≅ O′ i)
→ (P : Product O) (P′ : Product O′)
→ P ᴼ ≅ P′ ᴼ
Product-resp-≅ O≅O′ P P′ = record
{ forth = factorizer P′ (λ i → O≅O′ i .forth ∘ proj P i)
; back = factorizer P (λ i → O≅O′ i .back ∘ proj P′ i)
; back-forth = ≈.trans (factorizer-∘ P)
(factorizer-unique P id λ i →
≈.trans assoc (≈.trans (∘-resp-r (factorizer-proj P′))
(≈.trans unassoc (≈.trans (∘-resp-l (O≅O′ i .back-forth))
(≈.trans id-l (≈.sym id-r))))))
; forth-back = ≈.trans (factorizer-∘ P′)
(factorizer-unique P′ id λ i →
≈.trans assoc (≈.trans (∘-resp-r (factorizer-proj P))
(≈.trans unassoc (≈.trans (∘-resp-l (O≅O′ i .forth-back))
(≈.trans id-l (≈.sym id-r))))))
open Build public using
(IsProduct ; IsBinaryProduct ; Product ; BinaryProduct ; HasObj-Product)
record HasProducts {lo la l≈} li (C : Category lo la l≈)
: Set (suc li ⊔ lo ⊔ la ⊔ l≈ )
private module Bld = Build C
open Category C
open Iso.Build C
Π′ : {I : Set li} (O : I → Obj) → Product C O
module _ {I : Set li} where
Π : ∀ (O : I → Obj) → Obj
Π O = Product.prod (Π′ O)
syntax Π (λ i → O) = Π[ i ] O
proj : ∀ {O : I → Obj} i → Π O ⇒ O i
proj {O} = Bld.Product.proj (Π′ O)
factorizer : ∀ {O : I → Obj} {X} → (∀ i → X ⇒ O i) → X ⇒ Π O
factorizer {O} = Bld.factorizer (Π′ O)
times : ∀ {O O′ : I → Obj} → (∀ i → O i ⇒ O′ i) → Π O ⇒ Π O′
times {O} {O′} = Bld.times (Π′ O) (Π′ O′)
factorizer-proj : ∀ {O : I → Obj} {X} {x : ∀ i → X ⇒ O i} {i}
→ proj i ∘ factorizer x ≈ x i
factorizer-proj {O} = Bld.factorizer-proj (Π′ O)
factorizer-resp : ∀ {O : I → Obj} {X} {x y : ∀ i → X ⇒ O i}
→ (∀ i → x i ≈ y i)
→ factorizer x ≈ factorizer y
factorizer-resp {O} = Bld.factorizer-resp (Π′ O)
factorizer-unique : ∀ {O : I → Obj} {X} {x : ∀ i → X ⇒ O i} {u}
→ (∀ i → x i ≈ proj i ∘ u)
→ factorizer x ≈ u
factorizer-unique {O} eq = Bld.factorizer-unique (Π′ O) _ eq
factorizer-∘ : ∀ {O : I → Obj} {X} {x : ∀ i → X ⇒ O i} {Z} {f : Z ⇒ X}
→ factorizer x ∘ f ≈ factorizer (λ i → x i ∘ f)
factorizer-∘ {O} = Bld.factorizer-∘ (Π′ O)
factorizer-id : ∀ {O} → factorizer {O} proj ≈ id
factorizer-id {O} = Bld.factorizer-id (Π′ O)
times-proj : ∀ {O O′ : I → Obj} {x : ∀ i → O i ⇒ O′ i} {i}
→ proj i ∘ times x ≈ x i ∘ proj i
times-proj {O} {O′} = Bld.times-proj (Π′ O) (Π′ O′)
times-resp : ∀ {O O′ : I → Obj} {x y : ∀ i → O i ⇒ O′ i}
→ (∀ i → x i ≈ y i)
→ times x ≈ times y
times-resp {O} {O′} = Bld.times-resp (Π′ O) (Π′ O′)
times-id : ∀ {O : I → Obj} → times {O} (λ _ → id) ≈ id
times-id {O} = Bld.times-id (Π′ O)
times-∘ : ∀ {O O′ O″ : I → Obj} {x : ∀ i → O i ⇒ O′ i} {y : ∀ i → O′ i ⇒ O″ i}
→ times y ∘ times x ≈ times (λ i → y i ∘ x i)
times-∘ {O} {O′} {O″} = Bld.times-∘ (Π′ O) (Π′ O′) (Π′ O″)
times-factorizer : ∀ {O O′ : I → Obj} {X}
→ {x : ∀ i → X ⇒ O i} {y : ∀ i → O i ⇒ O′ i}
→ times y ∘ factorizer x ≈ factorizer (λ i → y i ∘ x i)
times-factorizer {O} {O′} = Bld.times-factorizer (Π′ O) (Π′ O′)
Π-resp-≅ : ∀ {O O′ : I → Obj}
→ (∀ i → O i ≅ O′ i)
→ Π O ≅ Π O′
Π-resp-≅ {O} {O′} O≅O′ = Bld.Product-resp-≅ O≅O′ (Π′ O) (Π′ O′)
HasProducts→HasTerminal : ∀ {lo la l≈} {C : Category lo la l≈}
→ HasProducts zero C
→ HasTerminal C
HasProducts→HasTerminal {C = C} record { Π′ = Π }
= let P = Π {I = ⊥} λ() in
{ ⊤ = Product.prod P
; isTerminal = Build.nullaryProduct-Terminal C P
record HasBinaryProducts {lo la l≈} (C : Category lo la l≈)
: Set (lo ⊔ la ⊔ l≈)
private module Bld = Build C
open Category C
open Iso.Build C
open ≈-Reasoning
infixr 2 _×_ _×′_ ⟨_×_⟩ ⟨_,_⟩
_×′_ : ∀ A B → BinaryProduct C A B
_×_ : Obj → Obj → Obj
A × B = (A ×′ B) ᴼ
projl : ∀ {A B} → A × B ⇒ A
projl {A} {B} = Product.proj (A ×′ B) true
projr : ∀ {A B} → A × B ⇒ B
projr {A} {B} = Product.proj (A ×′ B) false
⟨_,_⟩ : ∀ {A B Z} → Z ⇒ A → Z ⇒ B → Z ⇒ A × B
⟨_,_⟩ {A} {B} f g
= Bld.factorizer (A ×′ B) (Bool-elim f g)
⟨_×_⟩ : ∀ {A B A′ B′} → A ⇒ A′ → B ⇒ B′ → A × B ⇒ A′ × B′
⟨_×_⟩ {A} {B} {A′} {B′} f g
= Bld.times (A ×′ B) (A′ ×′ B′) (Bool-elim f g)
first : ∀ {A A′ B} → A ⇒ A′ → A × B ⇒ A′ × B
first f = ⟨ f × id ⟩
second : ∀ {A B B′} → B ⇒ B′ → A × B ⇒ A × B′
second f = ⟨ id × f ⟩
swap : ∀ {A B} → A × B ⇒ B × A
swap = ⟨ projr , projl ⟩
⟨,⟩-resp : ∀ {A B Z} {f f′ : Z ⇒ A} {g g′ : Z ⇒ B}
→ f ≈ f′
→ g ≈ g′
→ ⟨ f , g ⟩ ≈ ⟨ f′ , g′ ⟩
⟨,⟩-resp {A} {B} f≈f′ g≈g′
= Bld.factorizer-resp (A ×′ B) (Bool-elim f≈f′ g≈g′)
⟨,⟩-projl : ∀ {A B Z} {f : Z ⇒ A} {g : Z ⇒ B} → projl ∘ ⟨ f , g ⟩ ≈ f
⟨,⟩-projl {A} {B} = Bld.factorizer-proj (A ×′ B)
⟨,⟩-projr : ∀ {A B Z} {f : Z ⇒ A} {g : Z ⇒ B} → projr ∘ ⟨ f , g ⟩ ≈ g
⟨,⟩-projr {A} {B} = Bld.factorizer-proj (A ×′ B)
⟨,⟩-unique : ∀ {A B Z} {f : Z ⇒ A} {g : Z ⇒ B} {u}
→ f ≈ projl ∘ u
→ g ≈ projr ∘ u
→ ⟨ f , g ⟩ ≈ u
⟨,⟩-unique {A} {B} eql eqr
= Bld.factorizer-unique (A ×′ B) _ (Bool-elim eql eqr)
⟨,⟩-∘ : ∀ {A B Y Z} {f : Y ⇒ Z} {g : Z ⇒ A} {h : Z ⇒ B}
→ ⟨ g , h ⟩ ∘ f ≈ ⟨ g ∘ f , h ∘ f ⟩
⟨,⟩-∘ {A} {B} {Y} {Z} {f} {g} {h}
= begin
⟨ g , h ⟩ ∘ f
≈⟨ Bld.factorizer-∘ (A ×′ B) ⟩
Bld.factorizer (A ×′ B)
(λ i → Bool-elim {A = λ i → Z ⇒ Bool-elim A B i} g h i ∘ f)
≈⟨ Bld.factorizer-resp (A ×′ B) (Bool-elim ≈.refl ≈.refl) ⟩
⟨ g ∘ f , h ∘ f ⟩
⟨,⟩-id : ∀ {A B} → ⟨ projl , projr ⟩ ≈ id {A × B}
⟨,⟩-id {A} {B} = ⟨,⟩-unique (≈.sym id-r) (≈.sym id-r)
⟨×⟩-resp : ∀ {A A′ B B′} {f f′ : A ⇒ A′} {g g′ : B ⇒ B′}
→ f ≈ f′
→ g ≈ g′
→ ⟨ f × g ⟩ ≈ ⟨ f′ × g′ ⟩
⟨×⟩-resp {A} {A′} {B} {B′} f≈f′ g≈g′
= Bld.times-resp (A ×′ B) (A′ ×′ B′) (Bool-elim f≈f′ g≈g′)
⟨×⟩-projl : ∀ {A A′ B B′} {f : A ⇒ A′} {g : B ⇒ B′}
→ projl ∘ ⟨ f × g ⟩ ≈ f ∘ projl
⟨×⟩-projl {A} {A′} {B} {B′} = Bld.times-proj (A ×′ B) (A′ ×′ B′)
⟨×⟩-projr : ∀ {A A′ B B′} {f : A ⇒ A′} {g : B ⇒ B′}
→ projr ∘ ⟨ f × g ⟩ ≈ g ∘ projr
⟨×⟩-projr {A} {A′} {B} {B′} = Bld.times-proj (A ×′ B) (A′ ×′ B′)
⟨×⟩-id : ∀ {A B} → ⟨ id {A} × id {B} ⟩ ≈ id
⟨×⟩-id {A} {B} = Bld.factorizer-unique (A ×′ B) id
(Bool-elim (≈.trans id-l (≈.sym id-r)) (≈.trans id-l (≈.sym id-r)))
⟨×⟩-∘ : ∀ {A A′ A″ B B′ B″}
→ {f : A′ ⇒ A″} {f′ : A ⇒ A′} {g : B′ ⇒ B″} {g′ : B ⇒ B′}
→ ⟨ f × g ⟩ ∘ ⟨ f′ × g′ ⟩ ≈ ⟨ f ∘ f′ × g ∘ g′ ⟩
⟨×⟩-∘ {A} {A′} {A″} {B} {B′} {B″} {f} {f′} {g} {g′} = ≈.trans
(Bld.times-∘ (A ×′ B) (A′ ×′ B′) (A″ ×′ B″))
(Bld.times-resp (A ×′ B) (A″ ×′ B″) (Bool-elim ≈.refl ≈.refl))
⟨×⟩-⟨,⟩ : ∀ {A B C B′ C′} {f : A ⇒ B} {g : A ⇒ C} {f′ : B ⇒ B′} {g′ : C ⇒ C′}
→ ⟨ f′ × g′ ⟩ ∘ ⟨ f , g ⟩ ≈ ⟨ f′ ∘ f , g′ ∘ g ⟩
⟨×⟩-⟨,⟩ {A} {B} {C} {B′} {C′} = ≈.trans
(Bld.times-factorizer (B ×′ C) (B′ ×′ C′))
(Bld.factorizer-resp (B′ ×′ C′) (Bool-elim ≈.refl ≈.refl))
×-resp-≅ : ∀ {A A′ B B′}
→ A ≅ A′
→ B ≅ B′
→ (A × B) ≅ (A′ × B′)
×-resp-≅ {A} {A′} {B} {B′} A≅A′ B≅B′
= Bld.Product-resp-≅ (Bool-elim A≅A′ B≅B′) (A ×′ B) (A′ ×′ B′)
HasProducts→HasBinaryProducts : ∀ {lp lo la l≈} {C : Category lo la l≈}
→ HasProducts lp C
→ HasBinaryProducts C
HasProducts→HasBinaryProducts {lp} {C = C} record { Π′ = Π }
= record { _×′_ = _×_ }
open Category C
open Unique.Build C
open Product using (proj)
open ∃!′ using (arr ; prop ; unique)
_×_ : ∀ A B → Build.BinaryProduct C A B
A × B = record
{ prod = prod′
; proj = proj′
; isProduct = isProduct′
O : Lift lp Bool → _
O (lift true) = A
O (lift false) = B
prod′ = Product.prod (Π O)
proj′ = Bool-elim (proj (Π O) (lift true)) (proj (Π O) (lift false))
isProduct′ : IsProduct C (Bool-elim A B) prod′ proj′
isProduct′ {X} x = record
{ arr = arr′ ⃗
; prop = Bool-elim (prop arr′ (lift true)) (prop arr′ (lift false))
; unique = λ eq → unique arr′
(λ { (lift true) → eq true ; (lift false) → eq false})
arr′ = Product.isProduct (Π O)
λ { (lift true) → x true ; (lift false) → x false}
record HasFiniteProducts {lo la l≈} (Cat : Category lo la l≈)
: Set (lo ⊔ la ⊔ l≈)
{{hasTerminal}} : HasTerminal Cat
{{hasBinaryProducts}} : HasBinaryProducts Cat
open HasTerminal hasTerminal public
open HasBinaryProducts hasBinaryProducts public
module _ {lo la l≈ lo′ la′ l≈′}
{C : Category lo la l≈}
{D : Category lo′ la′ l≈′}
open Category C
open Functor
PreservesBinaryProducts : (F : Functor C D) → Set _
PreservesBinaryProducts F
= ∀ {A B A×B} {projl : A×B ⇒ A} {projr : A×B ⇒ B}
→ IsBinaryProduct C A×B projl projr
→ IsBinaryProduct D (fobj F A×B) (fmap F projl) (fmap F projr)
PreservesProducts : ∀ {i} (I : Set i) (F : Functor C D) → Set _
PreservesProducts I F
= ∀ {O : I → Obj} {P} {proj : ∀ i → P ⇒ O i}
→ IsProduct C O P proj
→ IsProduct D (λ i → fobj F (O i)) (fobj F P) (λ i → fmap F (proj i))