{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}
module Cats.Util.SetoidMorphism where

open import Data.Product using (∃-syntax ; _,_ ; proj₁ ; proj₂)
open import Level using (_⊔_ ; suc)
open import Relation.Binary using (Rel ; Setoid ; IsEquivalence ; _Preserves_⟶_)
open import Relation.Binary.SetoidReasoning

open import Cats.Util.Function using () renaming (_∘_ to _⊚_)

open Setoid renaming (_≈_ to eq)

infixr 9 _∘_

record _⇒_ {l l≈} (A : Setoid l l≈) {l′ l≈′} (B : Setoid l′ l≈′)
  : Set (l  l′  l≈  l≈′)
    arr : Carrier A  Carrier B
    resp : arr Preserves eq A  eq B

open _⇒_ public using (arr ; resp)

module _ {l l≈} {A : Setoid l l≈} {l′ l≈′} {B : Setoid l′ l≈′} where

  infixr 4 _≈_

  record _≈_ (f g : A  B) : Set (l  l≈  l≈′) where
    constructor ≈-intro
       ≈-elim :  {x y}  eq A x y  eq B (arr f x) (arr g y)

    ≈-elim′ :  {x}  eq B (arr f x) (arr g x)
    ≈-elim′ = ≈-elim (refl A)

  open _≈_ public

  equiv : IsEquivalence _≈_
  equiv = record
      { refl = λ {f}  ≈-intro (resp f)
      ; sym = λ eq  ≈-intro λ x≈y  sym B (≈-elim eq (sym A x≈y))
      ; trans = λ eq₁ eq₂  ≈-intro  x≈y  trans B (≈-elim eq₁ x≈y) (≈-elim′ eq₂))

  setoid : Setoid (l  l≈  l′  l≈′) (l  l≈  l≈′)
  setoid = record
      { Carrier = A  B
      ; _≈_ = _≈_
      ; isEquivalence = equiv

id :  {l l≈} {A : Setoid l l≈}  A  A
id = record { arr = λ x  x ; resp = λ x  x }

_∘_ :  {l l≈} {A : Setoid l l≈} {l′ l≈′} {B : Setoid l′ l≈′}
    {l″ l≈″} {C : Setoid l″ l≈″}
   B  C  A  B  A  C
_∘_ f g = record
    { arr = arr f  arr g
    ; resp = resp f  resp g

∘-resp :  {l l≈} {A : Setoid l l≈} {l′ l≈′} {B : Setoid l′ l≈′}
    {l″ l≈″} {C : Setoid l″ l≈″}
   {f f′ : B  C} {g g′ : A  B}
   f  f′  g  g′  f  g  f′  g′
∘-resp f≈f′ g≈g′ = ≈-intro (≈-elim f≈f′  ≈-elim g≈g′)

id-l :  {l l≈} {A : Setoid l l≈} {l′ l≈′} {B : Setoid l′ l≈′}
    {f : A  B}
    id  f  f
id-l {f = f} = ≈-intro (resp f)

id-r :  {l l≈} {A : Setoid l l≈} {l′ l≈′} {B : Setoid l′ l≈′}
   {f : A  B}
   f  id  f
id-r {f = f} = ≈-intro (resp f)

assoc :  {l l≈} {A : Setoid l l≈} {l′ l≈′} {B : Setoid l′ l≈′}
    {l″ l≈″} {C : Setoid l″ l≈″} {l‴ l≈‴} {D : Setoid l‴ l≈‴}
   {f : C  D} {g : B  C} {h : A  B}
   (f  g)  h  f  (g  h)
assoc {f = f} {g} {h} = ≈-intro (resp f  resp g  resp h)

module _ {l l≈} {A : Setoid l l≈} {l′ l≈′} {B : Setoid l′ l≈′} where

  IsInjective : A  B  Set (l  l≈  l≈′)
  IsInjective f =  {a b}  eq B (arr f a) (arr f b)  eq A a b

  IsSurjective : A  B  Set (l  l′  l≈′)
  IsSurjective f =  b  ∃[ a ] (eq B b (arr f a))