{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}
module Util.HoTT.Equiv where

open import Util.HoTT.Equiv.Core public

open import Relation.Binary using (Setoid ; IsEquivalence)

open import Util.Data.Product using (map₂)
open import Util.HoTT.HLevel.Core using (IsContr ; IsProp)
open import Util.HoTT.Section
open import Util.HoTT.Singleton using (IsContr-Singleton)
open import Util.Prelude
open import Util.Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using
  ( Σ-≡⁻ ; Σ-≡⁺ ; trans-symʳ ; trans-unassoc )

    α β γ : Level
    A B C : Set α

IsIso→HasSection-forth : {f : A  B}  IsIso f  HasSection f
IsIso→HasSection-forth i = record
  { section = i .IsIso.back
  ; isSection = i .IsIso.forth∘back

IsIso→HasSection-back : {f : A  B}  (i : IsIso f)  HasSection (i .IsIso.back)
IsIso→HasSection-back {f = f} i = record
  { section = f
  ; isSection = i .IsIso.back∘forth

IsIso→Injective : {f : A  B}  IsIso f  Injective f
IsIso→Injective f-iso fx≡fy
  = trans (sym (f-iso .IsIso.back∘forth _))
      (trans (cong (f-iso .IsIso.back) fx≡fy)
        (f-iso .IsIso.back∘forth _))

IsEquiv→IsIso : {f : A  B}  IsEquiv f  IsIso f
IsEquiv→IsIso {A = A} {B = B} {forth} equiv = record
  { back = back′ ; back∘forth = back∘forth′ ; forth∘back = forth∘back′ }
  back′ : B  A
  back′ b with equiv b
  ... | (a , _) , _ = a

  back∘forth′ :  x  back′ (forth x)  x
  back∘forth′ a with equiv (forth a)
  ... | (a′ , fortha′≡fortha) , unique = proj₁ (Σ-≡⁻ (unique (a , refl)))

  forth∘back′ :  x  forth (back′ x)  x
  forth∘back′ b with equiv b
  ... | (a , fortha≡b) , _ = fortha≡b

IsEquiv→Injective : {f : A  B}  IsEquiv f  Injective f
IsEquiv→Injective = IsIso→Injective  IsEquiv→IsIso

-- This proof follows Martin Escardó's lecture notes
-- (https://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/~mhe/HoTT-UF-in-Agda-Lecture-Notes/HoTT-UF-Agda.html#fibersandequivalences).
IsIso→IsEquiv : {f : A  B}  IsIso f  IsEquiv f
IsIso→IsEquiv {A = A} {B = B} {forth} iso b
  = ◁-pres-IsContr (◁-trans ii iii) IsContr-Singleton
    module I = IsIso iso

    A◁B : A  B
    A◁B = record
      { retraction = I.back
      ; hasSection = IsIso→HasSection-back iso

    i :  b′  (forth (I.back b′)  b)  (b′  b)
    i b′ = record
      { retraction = λ b′≡b  trans (I.forth∘back b′) b′≡b
      ; hasSection = record
        { section = λ eq  trans (sym (I.forth∘back b′)) eq
        ; isSection = λ x  let open ≡-Reasoning in
            trans (I.forth∘back b′) (trans (sym (I.forth∘back b′)) x)
          ≡⟨ trans-unassoc (I.forth∘back b′) 
            trans (trans (I.forth∘back b′) (sym (I.forth∘back b′))) x
          ≡⟨ cong  p  trans p x) (trans-symʳ (I.forth∘back b′)) 

    ii : ∃[ a ] (forth a  b)  ∃[ b′ ] (forth (I.back b′)  b)
    ii = Σ-◁-reindexing A◁B

    iii : ∃[ b′ ] (forth (I.back b′)  b)  ∃[ b′ ] (b′  b)
    --                                   aka Singleton b
    iii = Σ-◁ i

≅-refl : A  A
≅-refl .forth x = x
≅-refl .isIso .IsIso.back x = x
≅-refl .isIso .IsIso.forth∘back x = refl
≅-refl .isIso .IsIso.back∘forth x = refl

≅-sym : A  B  B  A
≅-sym A≅B .forth = A≅B .back
≅-sym A≅B .isIso .IsIso.back = A≅B .forth
≅-sym A≅B .isIso .IsIso.back∘forth = A≅B .forth∘back
≅-sym A≅B .isIso .IsIso.forth∘back = A≅B .back∘forth

≅-trans : A  B  B  C  A  C
≅-trans A≅B B≅C .forth = B≅C .forth  A≅B .forth
≅-trans A≅B B≅C .isIso .IsIso.back = A≅B .back  B≅C .back
≅-trans A≅B B≅C .isIso .IsIso.back∘forth x
  = trans (cong (A≅B .back) (B≅C .back∘forth _)) (A≅B .back∘forth _)
≅-trans A≅B B≅C .isIso .IsIso.forth∘back x
  = trans (cong (B≅C .forth) (A≅B .forth∘back _)) (B≅C .forth∘back _)

≅-isEquivalence : IsEquivalence (_≅_ {α})
≅-isEquivalence .IsEquivalence.refl = ≅-refl
≅-isEquivalence .IsEquivalence.sym = ≅-sym
≅-isEquivalence .IsEquivalence.trans = ≅-trans

≅-setoid :  α  Setoid (lsuc α) α
≅-setoid α .Setoid.Carrier = Set α
≅-setoid α .Setoid._≈_ = _≅_
≅-setoid α .Setoid.isEquivalence = ≅-isEquivalence

≅-reflexive : A  B  A  B
≅-reflexive refl = ≅-refl

≡→≅ = ≅-reflexive

≅-Injective : (i : A  B)  Injective (i .forth)
≅-Injective i = IsIso→Injective (i .isIso)

≅→◁ : A  B  A  B
≅→◁ A≅B = record
  { retraction = A≅B .back
  ; hasSection = IsIso→HasSection-back (A≅B .isIso)

≅→▷ : A  B  B  A
≅→▷ A≅B = record
  { retraction = A≅B .forth
  ; hasSection = IsIso→HasSection-forth (A≅B .isIso)

≃→≅ : A  B  A  B
≃→≅ A≃B .forth = A≃B .forth
≃→≅ A≃B .isIso = IsEquiv→IsIso (A≃B .isEquiv)

≅→≃ : A  B  A  B
≅→≃ A≅B .forth = A≅B .forth
≅→≃ A≅B .isEquiv = IsIso→IsEquiv (A≅B .isIso)

id-IsEquiv : IsEquiv (id {A = A})
id-IsEquiv a = (a , refl) , λ { (b , refl)  refl }

≃-refl : A  A
≃-refl = record { forth = id ; isEquiv = id-IsEquiv }

≃-reflexive : A  B  A  B
≃-reflexive refl = ≃-refl

≡→≃ = ≃-reflexive

≃-sym : A  B  B  A
≃-sym = ≅→≃  ≅-sym  ≃→≅

≃-trans : A  B  B  C  A  C
≃-trans A≃B B≃C = ≅→≃ (≅-trans (≃→≅ A≃B) (≃→≅ B≃C))

≃-isEquivalence : IsEquivalence (_≃_ {α})
≃-isEquivalence .IsEquivalence.refl = ≃-refl
≃-isEquivalence .IsEquivalence.sym = ≃-sym
≃-isEquivalence .IsEquivalence.trans = ≃-trans

≃-setoid :  α  Setoid (lsuc α) α
≃-setoid α .Setoid.Carrier = Set α
≃-setoid α .Setoid._≈_ = _≃_
≃-setoid α .Setoid.isEquivalence = ≃-isEquivalence

≃-Injective : (e : A  B)  Injective (e .forth)
≃-Injective = ≅-Injective  ≃→≅

≃→◁ : A  B  A  B
≃→◁ = ≅→◁  ≃→≅

≃→▷ : A  B  B  A
≃→▷ = ≅→▷  ≃→≅

-- Special cases of ≃-pres-IsOfHLevel (in Util.HoTT.HLevel), but proven
-- directly. This means that A and B can be at different levels.
≅-pres-IsContr : A  B  IsContr A  IsContr B
≅-pres-IsContr A≅B (a , canon) = A≅B .forth a , λ a′
   trans (cong (A≅B .forth) (canon (A≅B .back a′))) (A≅B .forth∘back _)

≃-pres-IsContr : A  B  IsContr A  IsContr B
≃-pres-IsContr A≃B = ≅-pres-IsContr (≃→≅ A≃B)

≅-pres-IsProp : A  B  IsProp A  IsProp B
≅-pres-IsProp A≅B A-prop x y
  = trans (sym (A≅B .forth∘back x))
      (sym (trans (sym (A≅B .forth∘back y)) (cong (A≅B .forth) (A-prop _ _))))

≃-pres-IsProp : A  B  IsProp A  IsProp B
≃-pres-IsProp A≃B = ≅-pres-IsProp (≃→≅ A≃B)

Σ-≅⁺ : {A : Set α} {B : A  Set β} {C : A  Set γ}
   (∀ a  B a  C a)
   Σ A B  Σ A C
Σ-≅⁺ eq = record
  { forth = λ { (a , b)  a , eq a .forth b }
  ; isIso = record
    { back = λ { (a , c)  a , eq a .back c }
    ; back∘forth = λ { (a , b)  Σ-≡⁺ (refl , eq a .back∘forth b) }
    ; forth∘back = λ { (a , c)  Σ-≡⁺ (refl , eq a .forth∘back c) }

Σ-≃⁺ : {A : Set α} {B : A  Set β} {C : A  Set γ}
   (∀ a  B a  C a)
   Σ A B  Σ A C
Σ-≃⁺ eq = ≅→≃ (Σ-≅⁺ λ a  ≃→≅ (eq a))

map₂-fiber-≃ : {A : Set α} {B : A  Set β} {C : A  Set γ}
   (f :  a  B a  C a)
    a (c : C a)
   ∃[ b ] (f a b  c)  ∃[ p ] (map₂ f p  (a , c))
map₂-fiber-≃ f a c = ≅→≃ record
  { forth = λ { (b , refl)  (a , b) , refl }
  ; isIso = record
    { back = λ { ((.a , b) , refl)  b , refl }
    ; back∘forth = λ { (b , refl)  refl }
    ; forth∘back = λ { ((.a , b) , refl)  refl }

IsEquiv-map₂-f→IsEquiv-f : {A : Set α} {B : A  Set β} {C : A  Set γ}
   (f :  a  B a  C a)
   IsEquiv (map₂ f)
    a  IsEquiv (f a)
IsEquiv-map₂-f→IsEquiv-f {A = A} {B} {C} f equiv a c
  = ≃-pres-IsContr (≃-sym (map₂-fiber-≃ f a c)) (equiv (a , c))

sym-≅ : {x y : A}  (x  y)  (y  x)
sym-≅ = record
  { forth = sym
  ; isIso = record
    { back = sym
    ; back∘forth = λ { refl  refl }
    ; forth∘back = λ { refl  refl }

sym-≃ : {x y : A}  (x  y)  (y  x)
sym-≃ = ≅→≃ sym-≅

IsContr→IsIso : IsContr A  IsContr B  (f : A  B)  IsIso f
IsContr→IsIso (a , a-uniq) (b , b-uniq) f = record
  { back = λ _  a
  ; back∘forth = λ _  a-uniq _
  ; forth∘back = λ b′  trans (sym (b-uniq (f a))) (b-uniq b′)

IsContr→IsEquiv : IsContr A  IsContr B  (f : A  B)  IsEquiv f
IsContr→IsEquiv A-contr B-contr f
  = IsIso→IsEquiv (IsContr→IsIso A-contr B-contr f)

proj₁-IsIso : {A : Set α} {B : A  Set β}
   (∀ a  IsContr (B a))
   IsIso (proj₁ {A = A} {B})
proj₁-IsIso B-contr = record
  { back = λ a  (a , B-contr a .proj₁)
  ; back∘forth = λ { (a , b)  Σ-≡⁺ (refl , (B-contr a .proj₂ b)) }
  ; forth∘back = λ _  refl

proj₁-IsEquiv : {A : Set α} {B : A  Set β}
   (∀ a  IsContr (B a))
   IsEquiv (proj₁ {A = A} {B})
proj₁-IsEquiv B-contr = IsIso→IsEquiv (proj₁-IsIso B-contr)

Π-distr-Σ-≅ : (A : Set α) (B : A  Set β) (C :  a  B a  Set γ)
   (∀ a  Σ[ b  B a ] (C a b))
   (Σ[ f  (∀ a  B a) ] (∀ a  C a (f a)))
Π-distr-Σ-≅ A B C = record
  { forth = λ f   a  f a .proj₁) ,  a  f a .proj₂)
  ; isIso = record
    { back = λ { (f , g)  λ a  f a , g a }
    ; back∘forth = λ _  refl
    ; forth∘back = λ _  refl