-- This file is ported from a part of Martin Escardó's HoTT lecture notes
-- (https://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/~mhe/HoTT-UF-in-Agda-Lecture-Notes/HoTT-UF-Agda.html).

{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}
module Util.HoTT.Section where

open import Util.HoTT.HLevel.Core
open import Util.Prelude
open import Util.Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using
  ( Σ-≡⁺ ; subst-subst-sym )

    α β γ : Level
    A B C : Set α

infix 4 _◁_

record HasSection {A : Set α} {B : Set β} (f : A  B) : Set (α ⊔ℓ β) where
    section : B  A
    isSection :  x  f (section x)  x

open HasSection public

record _◁_ (A : Set α) (B : Set β) : Set (α ⊔ℓ β) where
    retraction : B  A
    hasSection : HasSection retraction

  open HasSection hasSection public renaming (isSection to retraction∘section)

open _◁_ public

◁-refl : A  A
◁-refl = record
  { retraction = id
  ; hasSection = record
    { section = id
    ; isSection = λ _  refl

◁-trans : A  B  B  C  A  C
◁-trans A◁B B◁C = record
  { retraction = A◁B .retraction  B◁C .retraction
  ; hasSection = record
    { section = B◁C .section  A◁B .section
    ; isSection = λ x
         trans (cong (A◁B .retraction) (B◁C .retraction∘section _))
            (A◁B .retraction∘section _)

Σ-◁ : {A : Set α} {B : A  Set β} {C : A  Set γ}
   (∀ a  B a  C a)
   Σ A B  Σ A C
Σ-◁ B◁C = record
  { retraction = λ { (a , c)  a , B◁C a .retraction c }
  ; hasSection = record
    { section = λ { (a , b)  a , B◁C a .section b }
    ; isSection = λ { (a , b)  cong (a ,_) (B◁C a .retraction∘section b) }

◁-pres-IsContr : A  B  IsContr B  IsContr A
◁-pres-IsContr A◁B (b , canon)
  = A◁B .retraction b
  , λ a
       trans (cong (A◁B .retraction) (canon (A◁B .section a)))
          (A◁B .retraction∘section a)

Σ-◁-reindexing : {A : Set α} {B : Set β} {P : A  Set γ}
   (r : A  B)
   Σ A P  Σ B (P  r .retraction)
Σ-◁-reindexing {P = P} r = record
  { retraction = λ { (b , x)  r .retraction b , x }
  ; hasSection = record
    { section = λ where
        (a , x)  r .section a , subst P (sym (r .retraction∘section a)) x
    ; isSection = λ where
        (a , x)  Σ-≡⁺
          ( r .retraction∘section a
          , subst-subst-sym (r .retraction∘section a)