-- This module closely follows a section of Martín Escardó's HoTT lecture notes:
-- https://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/~mhe/HoTT-UF-in-Agda-Lecture-Notes/HoTT-UF-Agda.html#funextfromua
{-# OPTIONS --without-K #-}
module Util.HoTT.FunctionalExtensionality where

open import Axiom.Extensionality.Propositional using
  (ExtensionalityImplicit ; implicit-extensionality)

open import Util.Data.Product using (map₂)
open import Util.HoTT.Equiv
open import Util.HoTT.Equiv.Induction
open import Util.HoTT.HLevel.Core
open import Util.HoTT.Homotopy
open import Util.HoTT.Section
open import Util.HoTT.Singleton
open import Util.HoTT.Univalence
open import Util.Prelude
open import Util.Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (Σ-≡⁻)

    α β γ : Level
    A B C : Set α

FunextNondep :  α β  Set (lsuc (α ⊔ℓ β))
FunextNondep α β
  = {A : Set α} {B : Set β} {f g : A  B}  (∀ a  f a  g a)  f  g

IsContr-∀-Closure :  α β  Set (lsuc (α ⊔ℓ β))
IsContr-∀-Closure α β
  = {A : Set α} {B : A  Set β}  (∀ a  IsContr (B a))  IsContr (∀ a  B a)

FunextHapply :  α β  Set (lsuc (α ⊔ℓ β))
FunextHapply α β
  = {A : Set α} {B : A  Set β} (f g :  a  B a)  IsEquiv (≡→~ {f = f} {g})

Funext :  α β  Set (lsuc (α ⊔ℓ β))
Funext α β
  = {A : Set α} {B : A  Set β} {f g :  a  B a}  (∀ a  f a  g a)  f  g

  precomp-IsEquiv : {A B : Set α} (f : A  B)
     IsEquiv f
     {C : Set α}
     IsEquiv  (g : B  C)  g  f)
  precomp-IsEquiv f f-equiv {C}
    = J-IsEquiv  A B f  IsEquiv  (g : B  C)  g  f))  A  id-IsEquiv) f

  funext-nondep : FunextNondep α β
  funext-nondep {α} {β} {A} {B} {f} {g} f~g
    = cong  π x  π (f x , g x , f~g x)) π₀≡π₁
      Δ : Set β
      Δ = Σ[ b  B ] Σ[ b′  B ] (b  b′)

      δ : B  Δ
      δ b = b , b , refl

      π₀ π₁ : Δ  B
      π₀ (b , b′ , p) = b
      π₁ (b , b′ , p) = b′

      δ-IsEquiv : IsEquiv δ
      δ-IsEquiv = IsIso→IsEquiv record
        { back = π₀
        ; back∘forth = λ _  refl
        ; forth∘back = λ { (b , b′ , refl)  refl }

      φ : (Δ  B)  (B  B)
      φ = _∘ δ

      φ-IsEquiv : IsEquiv φ
      φ-IsEquiv = precomp-IsEquiv δ δ-IsEquiv

      φπ₀≡φπ₁ : φ π₀  φ π₁
      φπ₀≡φπ₁ = refl

      π₀≡π₁ : π₀  π₁
      π₀≡π₁ = IsEquiv→Injective φ-IsEquiv φπ₀≡φπ₁

  postcomp-IsIso : {A : Set α} {B : Set β} (f : B  C)
     IsIso f
     IsIso  (g : A  B)  f  g)
  postcomp-IsIso {A = A} {B} f i = record
    { back = λ g a  i .IsIso.back (g a)
    ; back∘forth = λ g  funext-nondep λ a  i .IsIso.back∘forth (g a)
    ; forth∘back = λ g  funext-nondep λ a  i .IsIso.forth∘back (g a)

  postcomp-IsEquiv : {A : Set α} {B : Set β} (f : B  C)
     IsEquiv f
     IsEquiv  (g : A  B)  f  g)
  postcomp-IsEquiv f f-equiv
    = IsIso→IsEquiv (postcomp-IsIso f (IsEquiv→IsIso f-equiv))

  ∀-IsContr : IsContr-∀-Closure α β
  ∀-IsContr {A = A} {B} B-contr = ◁-pres-IsContr ΠB◁g-fiber g-fiber-IsContr
      f : Σ A B  A
      f = proj₁

      f-IsEquiv : IsEquiv f
      f-IsEquiv = proj₁-IsEquiv B-contr

      g : (A  Σ A B)  (A  A)
      g = f ∘_

      g-IsEquiv : IsEquiv g
      g-IsEquiv = postcomp-IsEquiv f f-IsEquiv

      g-fiber-IsContr : IsContr (Σ[ h  (A  Σ A B) ] (f  h  id))
      g-fiber-IsContr = g-IsEquiv id

      ΠB◁g-fiber : (∀ a  B a)  (Σ[ h  (A  Σ A B) ] (f  h  id))
      ΠB◁g-fiber = record
        { retraction = λ { (h , p) a  subst B (≡→~ p a) (proj₂ (h a)) }
        ; hasSection = record
          { section = λ h   a  a , h a) , refl
          ; isSection = λ _  refl

  ≡→~-IsEquiv : FunextHapply α β
  ≡→~-IsEquiv {A = A} {B} f = goal
      i :  a  IsContr (Σ[ b  B a ] (f a  b))
      i a = IsContr-Singleton′

      ii : IsContr (∀ a  Σ[ b  B a ] (f a  b))
      ii = ∀-IsContr i

      iii : (∃[ g ] (f ~ g))  (∀ a  Σ[ b  B a ] (f a  b))
      iii = ≅→▷ (Π-distr-Σ-≅ _ _ _)

      iv : IsContr (∃[ g ] (f ~ g))
      iv = ◁-pres-IsContr iii ii

      e : (∃[ g ] (f  g))  (∃[ g ] (f ~ g))
      e = map₂  _  ≡→~)

      e-IsEquiv : IsEquiv e
      e-IsEquiv = IsContr→IsEquiv IsContr-Singleton′ iv e

      goal :  g  IsEquiv (≡→~ {f = f} {g})
      goal = IsEquiv-map₂-f→IsEquiv-f  _  ≡→~) e-IsEquiv

funext : Funext α β
funext {f = f} {g} eq = ≡→~-IsEquiv f g eq .proj₁ .proj₁

funext∙ : ExtensionalityImplicit α β
funext∙ = implicit-extensionality funext

module _ {α β} {A : Set α} {B : A  Set β} {f g :  a  B a} where

  ≡→~∘funext : (eq :  a  f a  g a)
     ≡→~ (funext eq)  eq
  ≡→~∘funext eq = ≡→~-IsEquiv f g eq .proj₁ .proj₂

  funext-unique′ :  eq
     (y : Σ-syntax (f  g)  p  ≡→~ p  eq))
     (funext eq , ≡→~∘funext eq)  y
  funext-unique′ eq = ≡→~-IsEquiv f g eq .proj₂

  funext-unique :  eq (p : f  g)
     ≡→~ p  eq
     funext eq  p
  funext-unique eq p q = proj₁ (Σ-≡⁻ (funext-unique′ eq (p , q)))

  funext∘≡→~ :  (eq : f  g)
     funext (≡→~ eq)  eq
  funext∘≡→~ eq = funext-unique (≡→~ eq) eq refl

subst-funext :  {α β γ} {A : Set α} {B : A  Set β} {f g :  a  B a}
   (P :  a  B a  Set γ)
   (f≡g :  x  f x  g x)
    {a} (Pf : P a (f a))
   subst  f  P a (f a)) (funext f≡g) Pf  subst (P a) (f≡g a) Pf
subst-funext P f≡g {a} Pf = sym
    (cong  p  subst (P a) (p a) Pf) (sym (≡→~∘funext f≡g)))
    go : subst (P a) (≡→~ (funext f≡g) a) Pf
         subst  f  P a (f a)) (funext f≡g) Pf
    go with funext f≡g
    ... | refl = refl