{-# OPTIONS --without-K #-}
module Model.Type.Core where

open import Cats.Category
open import Relation.Binary using (IsEquivalence)

open import Model.RGraph as RG using (RGraph)
open import Util.HoTT.Equiv
open import Util.HoTT.FunctionalExtensionality
open import Util.HoTT.HLevel
open import Util.HoTT.Homotopy
open import Util.HoTT.Univalence
open import Util.Prelude hiding (id) renaming (_∘_ to _∘F_)
open import Util.Relation.Binary.LogicalEquivalence using
  ( _↔_ ; forth ; back ; ↔-reflexive )
open import Util.Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using
  ( Σ-≡⁺ ; Σ-≡⁻ ; cast ; subst-subst ; subst-sym-subst ; subst-subst-sym )

open Category._≅_ public
open RG._⇒_

infixr 0 _⇒_
infix  4 _≈_ _≈⟦Type⟧_
infixr 9 _∘_

  variable Δ Γ Ψ : RGraph

-- This is an RGraph-indexed family of RGraphs.
record ⟦Type⟧ (Δ : RGraph) : Set₁ where
    ObjHSet : Δ .RG.Obj  HSet 0ℓ

    module M₀ δ = HLevel (ObjHSet δ)
    module M₁ {δ} = HLevel (ObjHSet δ)

  open M₀ public using () renaming
    ( type to Obj )
  open M₁ public using () renaming
    ( level to Obj-IsSet )

    eqHProp :  {δ δ′}  Δ .RG.eq δ δ′  Obj δ  Obj δ′  HProp 0ℓ

    module M₂ {δ δ′} (δ≈δ′ : Δ .RG.eq δ δ′) x y   = HLevel (eqHProp δ≈δ′ x y)
    module M₃ {δ δ′} {δ≈δ′ : Δ .RG.eq δ δ′} {x y} = HLevel (eqHProp δ≈δ′ x y)

  open M₂ public using () renaming
    ( type to eq )
  open M₃ public using () renaming
    ( level to eq-IsProp )

    eq-refl :  {δ} (x : Obj δ)  eq (Δ .RG.eq-refl δ) x x

open ⟦Type⟧ public

  variable T U V W : ⟦Type⟧ Δ

open RGraph

transportEq :  (T : ⟦Type⟧ Δ) {δ γ} {δ≈γ₀ δ≈γ₁ : Δ .eq δ γ} {x y}
   T .eq δ≈γ₀ x y  T .eq δ≈γ₁ x y
transportEq {Δ} T = subst  p  T .eq p _ _) (Δ .eq-IsProp _ _)

transportObj :  (T : ⟦Type⟧ Δ) {δ γ}
   δ  γ
   T .Obj δ
   T .Obj γ
transportObj T = subst (T .Obj)

  transportObj-resp :  (T : ⟦Type⟧ Δ) {δ γ}
     (δ≡γ₀ δ≡γ₁ : δ  γ)
      {x y}
     x  y
     transportObj T δ≡γ₀ x  transportObj T δ≡γ₁ y
  transportObj-resp {Δ} T refl δ≡γ₁ x≡y
    rewrite Δ .Obj-IsSet δ≡γ₁ refl = x≡y

transportObj-resp-eq :  (T : ⟦Type⟧ Δ) {δ₀ γ₀ δ₁ γ₁}
   (δ₀≡γ₀ : δ₀  γ₀) (δ₁≡γ₁ : δ₁  γ₁)
    {x y} {δ₀≈δ₁ : Δ .eq δ₀ δ₁} {γ₀≈γ₁ : Δ .eq γ₀ γ₁}
   T .eq δ₀≈δ₁ x y
   T .eq γ₀≈γ₁ (transportObj T δ₀≡γ₀ x) (transportObj T δ₁≡γ₁ y)
transportObj-resp-eq {Δ} T refl refl {δ₀≈δ₁ = δ₀≈δ₁} {γ₀≈γ₁} x≈y
  = transportEq T x≈y

  transportObj∘transportObj :  (T : ⟦Type⟧ Δ) {δ δ′ δ″}
     (p : δ  δ′) (q : δ′  δ″) {x : T .Obj δ}
     transportObj T q (transportObj T p x)  transportObj T (trans p q) x
  transportObj∘transportObj T p q = subst-subst p

  transportObj-refl :  (T : ⟦Type⟧ Δ) {δ}
     (p : δ  δ) {x : T .Obj δ}
     transportObj T p x  x
  transportObj-refl {Δ} T p rewrite Δ .Obj-IsSet p refl = refl

record _⇒_ (T U : ⟦Type⟧ Δ) : Set where
    fobj :  {δ}  Obj T δ  Obj U δ
    feq :  {δ δ′} (δ≈δ′ : Δ .RG.eq δ δ′) {x y}
       eq T δ≈δ′ x y
       eq U δ≈δ′ (fobj x) (fobj y)

open _⇒_ public

record _≈_ (f g : T  U) : Set where
  constructor ≈⁺
    ≈⁻ :  δ (x : Obj T δ)  f .fobj x  g .fobj x

open _≈_ public

≈-isEquivalence : (T U : ⟦Type⟧ Δ)  IsEquivalence (_≈_ {T = T} {U})
≈-isEquivalence T U = record
  { refl = ≈⁺ λ γ x  refl
  ; sym = λ f≈g  ≈⁺ λ γ x  sym (f≈g .≈⁻ γ x)
  ; trans = λ f≈g g≈h  ≈⁺ λ γ x  trans (f≈g .≈⁻ γ x) (g≈h .≈⁻ γ x)

⇒Canon : (T U : ⟦Type⟧ Δ)  Set
⇒Canon {Δ} T U
  = Σ[ fobj  (∀ {δ}  T .Obj δ  U .Obj δ) ]
      (∀ {δ δ′} (δ≈δ′ : Δ .RG.eq δ δ′) {x y}
         T .eq δ≈δ′ x y  U .eq δ≈δ′ (fobj x) (fobj y))

⇒≅⇒Canon : (T  U)  ⇒Canon T U
⇒≅⇒Canon = record
  { forth = λ f  f .fobj , f .feq
  ; isIso = record
    { back = λ f  record { fobj = f .proj₁ ; feq = f .proj₂ }
    ; back∘forth = λ where
        record { fobj = fo ; feq = fe }  refl
    ; forth∘back = λ x  refl

⇒Canon-IsSet : (T U : ⟦Type⟧ Δ)  IsSet (⇒Canon T U)
⇒Canon-IsSet T U = Σ-IsSet
  (∀∙-IsSet λ δ  →-IsSet (U .Obj-IsSet))
   _  ∀∙-IsSet λ δ  ∀∙-IsSet λ δ′  ∀-IsSet λ δ≈δ′  ∀∙-IsSet λ x
     ∀∙-IsSet λ y  →-IsSet (IsProp→IsSet (U .eq-IsProp)))

⇒-IsSet : IsSet (T  U)
⇒-IsSet {T = T} {U} = ≅-pres-IsOfHLevel 2 (≅-sym ⇒≅⇒Canon) (⇒Canon-IsSet T U)

≈→≡Canon : {f g : T  U}
   f  g  ⇒≅⇒Canon .forth f  ⇒≅⇒Canon .forth g
≈→≡Canon {U = U} f≈g = Σ-≡⁺
  ( (funext∙ (funext  x  f≈g .≈⁻ _ x)))
  , funext∙ (funext∙ (funext λ a  funext∙ (funext∙
      (funext λ eq  U .eq-IsProp _ _)))) )

≈→≡ : {f g : T  U}  f  g  f  g
≈→≡ f≈g = ≅-Injective ⇒≅⇒Canon (≈→≡Canon f≈g)

  open module M₀ {Δ} {T U : ⟦Type⟧ Δ}
    = IsEquivalence (≈-isEquivalence T U)
    public using () renaming
    ( refl to ≈-refl
    ; sym to ≈-sym
    ; trans to ≈-trans
    ; reflexive to ≈-reflexive )

id : {T : ⟦Type⟧ Δ}  T  T
id = record
  { fobj = λ x  x
  ; feq = λ γ≈γ′ x  x

_∘_ : {T U V : ⟦Type⟧ Δ}  U  V  T  U  T  V
_∘_ {Γ} f g = record
  { fobj = f .fobj ∘F g .fobj
  ; feq = λ γ≈γ′  f .feq γ≈γ′ ∘F g .feq γ≈γ′

⟦Types⟧ : RGraph  Category (lsuc 0ℓ) 0ℓ 0ℓ
⟦Types⟧ Δ = record
  { Obj = ⟦Type⟧ Δ
  ; _⇒_ = _⇒_
  ; _≈_ = _≈_
  ; id = id
  ; _∘_ = _∘_
  ; equiv = ≈-isEquivalence _ _
  ; ∘-resp = λ {Δ Γ Ψ f g h i} f≈g h≈i
     ≈⁺ λ γ x  trans (f≈g .≈⁻ γ (h .fobj x)) (cong (g .fobj) (h≈i .≈⁻ γ x))
  ; id-r = ≈⁺ λ γ x  refl
  ; id-l = ≈⁺ λ γ x  refl
  ; assoc = ≈⁺ λ γ x  refl

module ⟦Types⟧ {Γ} = Category (⟦Types⟧ Γ)

_≈⟦Type⟧_ : (T U : ⟦Type⟧ Δ)  Set₁
_≈⟦Type⟧_ = ⟦Types⟧._≅_

  open module M₁ {Δ} = ⟦Types⟧.≅ {Δ} public using () renaming
    ( refl to ≈⟦Type⟧-refl
    ; sym to ≈⟦Type⟧-sym
    ; trans to ≈⟦Type⟧-trans
    ; reflexive to ≈⟦Type⟧-reflexive )

module ≅-Reasoning = ⟦Types⟧.≅-Reasoning
module ≈-Reasoning = ⟦Types⟧.≈-Reasoning

⟦Type⟧Canon : RGraph  Set₁
⟦Type⟧Canon Δ
  = Σ[ ObjHSet  (Δ .Obj  HSet 0ℓ) ]
    Σ[ eq  (∀ {δ δ′} (δ≈δ′ : Δ .eq δ δ′)
         (x : ObjHSet δ .type) (y : ObjHSet δ′ .type)  HProp 0ℓ) ]
    (∀ {δ} (x : ObjHSet δ .type)  eq (Δ .eq-refl δ) x x .type)

⟦Type⟧≅⟦Type⟧Canon :  {Δ}  ⟦Type⟧ Δ  ⟦Type⟧Canon Δ
⟦Type⟧≅⟦Type⟧Canon {Δ} = record
  { forth = λ T  T .ObjHSet , T .eqHProp , T .eq-refl
  ; isIso = record
    { back = λ T  record
      { ObjHSet = T .proj₁
      ; eqHProp = T .proj₂ .proj₁
      ; eq-refl = T .proj₂ .proj₂
    ; back∘forth = λ where
        record { ObjHSet = x ; eqHProp = y ; eq-refl = z }  refl
    ; forth∘back = λ x  refl

proj₁∘subst :  {α β γ} {A : Set α} (B : A  Set β) (C :  a  B a  Set γ)
    {a a′} (p : a  a′) (x : Σ (B a) (C a))
   proj₁ (subst  a  Σ (B a) (C a)) p x)  subst B p (proj₁ x)
proj₁∘subst B C refl x = refl

  : T ≈⟦Type⟧ U
   ⟦Type⟧≅⟦Type⟧Canon .forth T  ⟦Type⟧≅⟦Type⟧Canon .forth U
≈⟦Type⟧→≡Canon {Δ} {T} {U} T≈U
  = Σ-≡⁺ (T≡U , Σ-≡⁺ (T≈≡U≈ , funext∙ (funext  x  U .eq-IsProp _ _))))
    T≅U :  δ  T .Obj δ  U .Obj δ
    T≅U δ = record
      { forth = T≈U .forth .fobj
      ; isIso = record
        { back = T≈U .back .fobj
        ; back∘forth = λ x  T≈U .back-forth .≈⁻ _ _
        ; forth∘back = λ x  T≈U .forth-back .≈⁻ _ _

    T≡U : T .ObjHSet  U .ObjHSet
    T≡U = funext λ δ  HLevel-≡⁺ _ _ (≅→≡ (T≅U δ))

    -- "HoTT makes everything so much nicer", they said. "It's all automatic",
    -- they said.
      subst-type :  {α n} (A B : HLevel n α)
         (p : A .type  B .type)
         (x : A .type)
         subst type (HLevel-≡⁺ A B p) x  cast p x
      subst-type A B refl x with IsOfHLevel-IsProp _ (A .level) (B .level)
      ... | refl = refl

      -- I believe this equation would be definitional in Cubical TT.
      subst-T≡U :  {δ} x
         subst  T  T δ .type) T≡U x  T≈U .forth .fobj x
      subst-T≡U {δ} x
        = trans (subst-funext  δ T  T .type) _ x)
          (trans (subst-type (T .ObjHSet δ) (U .ObjHSet δ) (≅→≡ (T≅U δ)) x)
            (cast-≅→≡ (T≅U δ)))

      go : (Δ : Set) (T U : Δ  HSet 0ℓ) (eqΔ : Δ  Δ  Set)
         (eqT :  δ δ′  eqΔ δ δ′  T δ .type  T δ′ .type  HProp 0ℓ)
         (eqU :  δ δ′  eqΔ δ δ′  U δ .type  U δ′ .type  HProp 0ℓ)
         (T≡U : T  U)
         (∀ δ δ′ (δ≈δ′ : eqΔ δ δ′) (x : T δ .type) (y : T δ′ .type)
             eqT _ _ δ≈δ′ x y .type
             eqU _ _ δ≈δ′
                (subst  T  T δ .type) T≡U x)
                (subst  T  T δ′ .type) T≡U y)
         _≡_ {A =  {δ δ′}  eqΔ δ δ′  U δ .type  U δ′ .type  HProp 0ℓ}
            (subst  T   {δ δ′}  eqΔ δ δ′  T δ .type  T δ′ .type  HProp 0ℓ)
              T≡U  {δ δ′}  eqT δ δ′))
             {δ δ′}  eqU δ δ′)
      go Δ T U eqΔ eqT eqU refl eq = funext∙ λ {δ}  funext∙ λ {δ′}
         funext λ δ≈δ′  funext λ x  funext λ y
         HProp-≡⁺ _ _ (eq δ δ′ δ≈δ′ x y)

      T≈≡U≈ : _
        = trans
               T   {δ δ′}  Δ .eq δ δ′  T δ .type  T δ′ .type  HProp 0ℓ)
               T eq   {δ} (x : T δ .type)  eq (Δ .eq-refl δ) x x .type)
              ((λ {δ δ′}  T .eqHProp {δ} {δ′}),  {δ} x  T .eq-refl {δ} x)))
            (go (Δ .Obj) (T .ObjHSet) (U .ObjHSet) (Δ .eq)
               δ δ′  T .eqHProp {δ} {δ′})
               δ δ′  U .eqHProp {δ} {δ′})
              λ δ δ′ δ≈δ′ x y  record
                { forth = λ x≈y
                     subst₂  x y  U .eq δ≈δ′ x y) (sym (subst-T≡U x))
                        (sym (subst-T≡U y)) (T≈U .forth .feq δ≈δ′ x≈y)
                ; back = λ x≈y
                     subst₂  x y  T .eq δ≈δ′ x y)
                        (trans (cong (T≈U .back .fobj) (subst-T≡U x))
                          (T≈U .back-forth .≈⁻ δ x))
                        (trans (cong (T≈U .back .fobj) (subst-T≡U y))
                          (T≈U .back-forth .≈⁻ δ′ y))
                        (T≈U .back .feq δ≈δ′ x≈y)

≈⟦Type⟧→≡ : T ≈⟦Type⟧ U  T  U
≈⟦Type⟧→≡ T≈U = ≅-Injective ⟦Type⟧≅⟦Type⟧Canon (≈⟦Type⟧→≡Canon T≈U)

subT :  {Δ Ω}  Δ RG.⇒ Ω  ⟦Type⟧ Ω  ⟦Type⟧ Δ
subT {Γ} {Ω} f T = record
  { ObjHSet = T .ObjHSet ∘F f .fobj
  ; eqHProp = T .eqHProp ∘F f .feq
  ; eq-refl = λ x
       subst  p  T .eq p x x) (Ω .eq-IsProp _ _) (T .eq-refl x)

subt :  {Δ Ω} (f : Δ RG.⇒ Ω) {T U : ⟦Type⟧ Ω}
   T  U
   subT f T  subT f U
subt f g = record
  { fobj = g .fobj
  ; feq = λ γ≈γ′  g .feq (f .feq γ≈γ′)

subt-∘ :  {Δ Ω} (f : Δ RG.⇒ Ω) {T U V : ⟦Type⟧ Ω}
   (g : U  V) (h : T  U)
   subt f (g  h)  subt f g  subt f h
subt-∘ f g h = ≈⁺ λ δ γ  refl

subT∘subT :  {Δ Γ Ψ}
   {f : Δ RG.⇒ Ψ} {g : Γ RG.⇒ Δ} {T : ⟦Type⟧ Ψ}
   subT g (subT f T) ≈⟦Type⟧ subT (f RG.∘ g) T
subT∘subT = record
  { forth = record { fobj = λ x  x ; feq = λ _ x  x }
  ; back = record { fobj = λ x  x ; feq = λ _ x  x }
  ; back-forth = ≈⁺ λ γ x  refl
  ; forth-back = ≈⁺ λ γ x  refl

castObj : {T U : ⟦Type⟧ Δ}  T  U   {δ}  Obj T δ  Obj U δ
castObj p {δ} = subst  T  Obj T δ) p

≡→≈⟦Type⟧ : {T U : ⟦Type⟧ Δ}  T  U  T ≈⟦Type⟧ U
≡→≈⟦Type⟧ {Δ} {T} {U} T≡U = record
  { forth = record
    { fobj = λ {δ}  castObj T≡U
    ; feq = λ δ≈δ′ x≈y  go T≡U x≈y
  ; back = record
    { fobj = λ {δ}  castObj (sym T≡U)
    ; feq = λ δ≈δ′ x≈y  go (sym T≡U) x≈y
  ; back-forth = ≈⁺ λ δ x  subst-sym-subst T≡U
  ; forth-back = ≈⁺ λ δ x  subst-subst-sym T≡U
    go : {T U : ⟦Type⟧ Δ} (p : T  U)   {δ δ′} {δ≈δ′ : Δ .eq δ δ′} {x y}
       eq T δ≈δ′ x y
       eq U δ≈δ′ (castObj p x) (castObj p y)
    go refl x≈y = x≈y